
The article will be represented in electronic form and  formulated in accordance with the following requirements:

  • The article should not exceed 10 pages / included bibliography and abstract /, page format – A4, font – Sylfaen, font size – 12, line spacing- 1.15, page margins: top, bottom, right, left -2.0 cm, text alignment – justified, paragraph indention-0.75 cm, pages are numbered from the bottom. The number of tables and figures should not exceed 2, the size of each- ¼ page, width- 12.5cm (format- jpg, png).
  • The title of the article is typed with bold style and CAPS LOCK in the center, font-12. The source of financial funding (if it exists) will be indicated at the beginning of article, alignment on center, size-10 (example: «The research is funded by…… (Project №……)»).
  • After the title, on the next line the surname and initials of the author/authors are written, then the institution, city, country (in parentheses) with right alignment (italic style, 10 font size), then on the next line-the e-mail address of author.
  • On the next line it will be a summary in English of up to 100 words, including the title and keywords (no more than 6), font size-12. The main text of the article is detached by an empty line.
  • After the main text follows the reference list with alphabetical order (maximum 10). The source of reference should include surname and initials of author, title, place and date of publication, number of overall or used pages. Internet sources must include surname and initials of author, title, the internet link (http), the date of publication(if exists) and last update. Links to literature mention in the text (in square brackets, indicating the serial number of the source and pages).
  • Electronic file with the text is named with Latin letters by surname and initials of the author. After the name of author it is required to indicate the type of material: article. Example: “Poghosyan A.A._article”.


Deadline – September 30th, 2018
